About Us
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Integrated Tactical Concepts LLC is an advanced training team providing the most current tactical training to law enforcement and international policing agencies around the world. Our team of instructors includes current and past operators from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB).

A Note from the Owners
George and Rich have a combined fifty five years of policing experience and over thirty years of tactical training. They have traveled around the world to train with tactical teams from big cities to the smallest of rural towns. One thing we have found is that we, as SWAT operators, are all very much alike. We constantly seek the best and most informative critical incident training to increase our knowledge and keep the public and ourselves safe.
Although we are lucky enough to work for one of the busiest and most advanced tactical teams in the world, we understand that not all teams are exposed to the same amount of activity. Equipment, personnel, and real-time experience vary throughout our profession. At ITC, we will always keep this in mind, providing training on methods that have proven successful for us.
Our Instructors teach “a way” not “the way.” We believe that any instructor that isn’t promoting flexibility should be second-guessed.
We look forward to learning and sharing new tactics from our students on every training course. Our goal is to keep our training professional and straightforward. We demand each of our students to be a thinker and remain flexible at all times. SWAT tactics require both to be successful.
We strongly believe ITC students walk away with an open mind and a vault of powerful knowledge. Our Instructors are always open for discussion on any tactical situation and hope to provide answers based on our training and experience.
...and on that day, only you will know your true commitment to training.
- George Creamer and Rich Diliberti